Expect yourself to be running all sorts of errands, doing work, you never expected. Whether it is cleaning your office, negotiating with your landlord, hiring staff, banking, managing finances or customer service - you will be doing it all.
Pretty soon you will find that there simply aren't enough hours in the day for you to do everything. The routine, drudgery work is taking up more of your time than you can give. That is when, trouble hits. Either the routine filing, answering calls, book keeping work will get done OR you will be able to grow your business. It is this either/or choice that causes most startups to fail.
"You are the main driver of your business and its main value. Doing work that others can do better and at a lower cost, is illogical and ends badly."
Your time is way more expensive than you think. Let us do some math.
Assumptions: (Feel Free to tweak these)
Your hourly rate:
Total hours, given to business: 50 weeks x 5 days x 10 hrs = 2,500 hours
Total Value of your time = $ 125,000
Routine work for which you are not really trained:
Total: 1,196 hours or $ 60,000 approximately.
Imagine spending almost half your time doing routine tasks that you can outsource. Of course, you can hire a part time assistant to do the above tasks for you. But, it is unlikely that once all costs are considered, you would spend less than $40,000.
Compare that with a professional outsourcing company. There are many fine companies that can do the above tasks at a fraction of the above costs. At Claritel, the above tasks would cost:
Total: $ 19,500 and, with no disruptions, timely work. You don't need to buy any equipment or find office space for our staff. We work out of our own offices.
Your time is way more expensive than you think. Let us save you time and money.